Sempre he trobat molt bonic l'amassat en espiral, tot i que jo no faig servir aquest mètode. Però no sempre resulta fàcil comprendre com funciona... Avui he trobat aquest vídeo. A la xarxa hi ha un munt de vídeos que mostren aquesta forma d'amassar però el punt de vista de la càmera en aquestes imatges, és molt poc comú, situat a dalt i centrat. No sé si serà això, però realment s'entén molt bé el recorregut de les mans i el moviment del fang. Donen ganes de tornar a provar-ho!!!
6 comentaris:
left-handers in a different direction than the right-handed ... I think so.
Mmmmm... Interesting! It may be a silly question... but I was wondering if the sense of the the wheel turning must be considered... Thinking particulary about clay bodies with a lot of "memory" such as porcelain... This way of wedgging is not really used around here... we normally wedge "straight", so we don't have to think much!! I might go and take a look at Leach's chanel, see what he says!!! :-)
(I throw counterclockwise.)
I'm a little messed up now... Who's the left-handed??!!
left hand and right hand throwing same time :)
That's really WILD!!! :-O
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